Good morning,
I have drawn you with My great love and mercy, and it is My great love and mercy that surrounds you and keeps you,even now. I Am doing great and awesome deeds on the inside of you that will soon be revealed to the world. For the world has been waiting to see the true church and you will arise with power, authority, might, and dominion. For I have been dressing you and getting you ready, for your debut is soon, and the world will stand amazed at the great things that you will say, and the powerful deeds you will do. And oh, the great love that you possess, that is powerful, yet gentle, how it will touch and heal all that come near. They will be astounded as you walk with Me, and how you move as I move. You will go and speak things to others that are in a dry land, territories that have not been touched, and you will restore them to Me and heal their land. I have prepared you for this, you have been set aside, seemingly obscured, yet highly valued in My house.
You have sought My face and spent quiet time, and secret times, invested your life with Me. Would I not be a righteous God to invest more of My life in you? Go, says the Lord, and I will go with you. Speak and I will say those words, and I will back them up with signs, wonders, and demonstrations of My Spirit. Men will know that God has walked in the midst of them, for you represent Me well. This is your finest hour, yes it is our finest hour. It is not the time to give up, nor to quit, nor to look around at those that are falling away, but this is the time to sure up and square your shoulders, for you are a mighty, mighty people of God. And we are about to do the works that I have spoken to you in the secret places. So get ready, get ready, and stay ready and not allow the things of this world to catch your attention to pull you into slumber, to catch you off guard but stay sharp says the Lord. For at any moment I will call you and put you in the front line, be ready, says the Lord, for it is our time, it is our time to do the greatest work ever. So stay ready for Me.
"But ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD: men shall call you the Ministers of our God: ye shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves." (Is. 61:6)
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." (Is. 60:1)
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn" (Pro. 29:2)
Pastor D.
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